I am a voracious reader and an experienced teacher of a huge range of texts: I have to research, prepare, and assess these texts for my classes, and find that writing about these texts informs my teaching of them. I have published numerous articles in leading A-Level English magazines, as well as academic essays and edited collections, and I have presented papers at academic conferences.
‘A Deadly Thirst for Knowledge: Bram Stoker’s Dracula’, EMagazine, Dec, 2021
‘Haunting Repetition and Mesmerising Eyes – Woman at Point Zero’, EMagazine, Jan, 2021
‘Pitiful Desire – A Streetcar Named Desire’, EMagazine, Jan 12, 2020
‘‘Gerontion’: A Futile Longing for Faith’, EMagazine, Jan, 2017
‘“Stay with me”: Generating Sympathy for Abused Women in The Waste Land’, Emagazine, Jan, 2016
‘Carrying the fire: Narrative Journeys in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road’, The English Review, Jan, 2015
'Shameful Rape and Grotesque Revenge: Ovid’s Myth of Philomela Transformed in Titus Andronicus’, The English Review , Jan 11, 201
‘Monstrous Entrapment in Angela Carter’s ‘The Lady of the House of Love’’, The English Review, Jan, 2013
Utopianism, Modernism, and Literature in the Twentieth Century, ed. Alice Reeve-Tucker and Nathan Waddell, Palgrave, 2013
Wyndham Lewis and the Cultures of Modernity, ed. Andrzej Gasiorek, Alice Reeve-Tucker and Nathan Waddell, Ashgate, 2011.